Answered By: Angélique O'Rorke
Last Updated: 16, Nov, 2017     Views: 89

Je n'arrive pas à me connecter à mon compte-lecteur, comment faire ?  

  Votre mot de passe est peut-être expiré (vous devez le modifier tous les 6 mois)

Voici le lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe :


Password expiration

Your password expires after 6 months. You’ll be invited to renew it 15, 7 and 3 days before its expiration.

If you do not renew it in time, it will be automatically replaced by a random password. To change it, you can do so by logging in and following the instructions: Changing your security information (PDF, 260KB)

How do I change my password? What do I do if I forget it?

Nobody (not even the Information Systems Office) knows your password. If you forget it, it cannot be recovered. You must reset it yourself using your recovery email address.

If you wish to change it for any reason, you can do so by logging in and following the instructions: Changing your security information (PDF, 260KB)